Displaying more information

Hi there,

I have created two measures that count the no of event occurred w.r.t some criteria. If the count of occurrence is more than some threshold value then it displays information. My measures are

Trigger 1 =
Var _cause = MAX( ‘Fact Table’[Cause] )
Var _loc = MAX( ‘Fact Table’[CircuitID] )
Var _zone = MAX(‘Fact Table’[ZoneSubstation])
Var _mindate = EDATE(EOMONTH(TODAY(),0),-[N Value])
var _count = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(‘Fact Table’[OutageID]),FILTER(‘Fact Table’,‘Fact Table’[CircuitID] ==_loc && ‘Fact Table’[Cause] == _cause &&‘Fact Table’[ZoneSubstation] == _zone && ‘Fact Table’[Actual Interruption Start Time (NZST)]>=_mindate))
IF(_count>[Trigger Value Value],_count)

Trigger 2 =
Var _equip = MAX( ‘Fact Table’[Equipment] )
Var _mindate = EDATE(EOMONTH(TODAY(),0),-[N Value])
var _count = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(‘Fact Table’[OutageID]),FILTER(‘Fact Table’,‘Fact Table’[Equipment] ==_equip && ‘Fact Table’[Actual Interruption Start Time (NZST)]>=_mindate))
IF(_count>[Trigger Value Value],_count)

I displayed these two measures in separate tables visual as shown in the picture:

Now I want to see the details of the values shown in those tables. So, I created a third table that shows the details about the event.

The problem is that when I click any of the values showing in the first two tables, the third table shows more information than expected. For example, as shown in the following picture:

When I click on the first row (where the Trigger 1 value is 5) of the first table, the expected output in the third table (detailed table) is that it only shows the value of those five events and the distinct count of outage id should be five. However, in the above picture as you can see that distinct count of outage id is 7. I am not sure why is it displaying information of 7 events instead of 5. Any help would be really appreociated.

Sample file here.SAmple_trigger.pbix (708.1 KB)

Bumping this post for more visibility.


This is because your measure is imposing a stricter date condition on the Trigger measures than is imposed on the third table. For example, in the case above, the mindate variable in the Trigger 1 measure is 9/30/2020. The measure filters out any records with a date earlier than that:

However, no such filtering is done on the bottom table, thus two distinct Outage IDs (337 and 409) are included in the bottom table, but not the top since their Interruption Restore Times occurred prior to 9/30/20.

I hope this is helpful.

– Brian

Thank you @BrianJ!

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