Display Value based on two different slicers selection

Hi all,

I am trying to use One card to display value based on two different Slicers selections. I am trying to get my head around the logic.

Here is a mock up of what I want to accomplish.

what is the logic

Lets say I have

Ave. Time Spent, Finish Regis, Finish vs … etc. as Table 1 as slicer


Selected Time Frame, last month…etc. as Table two as a slicer

I wanna be able for example to select Ave. Time Spent from slicer 1 and Selected time frame from slicer two

and show the value based on the two selection.

Any suggestions of how to have that?

I appreciate all the help.

Hi @iasma, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster. While waiting for a response, here are some tips so you can get the most out of the forum and other Enterprise DNA resources.

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I also suggest that you check the forum guideline https://forum.enterprisedna.co/t/how-to-use-the-enterprise-dna-support-forum/3951. Not adhering to it may sometimes cause delay in getting an answer.

Please also check the How To Mask Sensitive Data thread for some tips on how to mask your pbix file.

Hi @iasma. It should be done by default by Power BI. I suspect its your data model, but not sure what your issue is. Please post your work-in-progress PBIX file to help the forum members pursue further.

Let me explain again what I am looking for here.

This is the table I have.
With the 5 categories:

Table 1

And Table 2:

Table 2

I wanna be able to click on whatever category from table 1 and get all the values for table 2.
I have all the calculations for all of them already. But I couldn’t figure out the logic of how to create this connection between them.
I used the dynamic button but I couldn’t get all the values at once.

Hi @iasma. Unfortunately, still not clear what the issue is. Again, very difficult to comment without a PBIX to view and play with your data model. Please post your work-in-progress PBIX and Excel mock-ups of your desired outcome for the forum members to review.

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Hi @iasma, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 23rd of January. We are waiting for the masked masked demo pbix file.

This will help other users and experts to answer your inquiry better. In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.

Hi iasama,
Please try with using ‘Edit Interactions’ options in Power BI.

Thank you everyone for replying. I figured out the solution.

this is what I was looking to get. One botton that can show multiple values


I appreciate the help.