Direct Query Report Creates Dataset

Hi, I have a central Dataset that i have used to build several reports so my reports are Direct Query reports.

I have just created a new report in the same way as before but when i publish this report to PBI service a new Dataset for the report has been created which i wasn’t expecting, none of the other reports have their own report specific dataset that you would expect if the reports were built by importing the data to the report.

My report doesn’t have any added data or tables etc. only measures, all the data is coming from the central Dataset via Direcy Query as you can see in the panel (pic below) no data has been loaded to the report, so why has PBI created a dataset when i publish the file? Is there something in the settings of the report to stop this? Any help / advice would be appreciated.


Hi @BCS. Measures are part of the model, so you should get a dataset for the report, in addition to (not clear whether) your Direct Query access is in the report itself or accessed from an existing dataset in the Power BI Service. I wouldn’t be worried about how the service operates.

Hi @Greg thanks for the reply. All my other reports which use the same Dataset and are Direct Query also have measures only relevant to that particular report but when i publish these to PBI service they do not create an additional dataset but this one does and i don’t understand why.

This now means that i have to refresh two seperate Datasets to update the report which is rubbish and not workable.

Hi @BCS. There must be something different about the PBIX in question. If your report “dataset” contains only measures then it doesn’t need to be refreshed, as measures are only calculated when used.

Hmmm that is true, will have to do some more testing on this, thanks for your help