Different Measures for Different Rows

How can I show different measures for different rows in a table visualization? For the screenshot below I need to show the 349930 number where the 443200 number is.


Here is another video from Sam that will help you figure this out. You will need to use a SWITCH statement to come up with your end result. SWITCH is something that you should become familiar with, I use it frequently when building solution for other users.



Thanks, I was able to get part of it right with this formula:

sq. feet =
HASONEVALUE(‘Booth Inventory’[Booth Status]),
IF(VALUES(‘Booth Inventory’[Booth Status])=“Reserved”,
[Sq. Footage Booth Inventory Reserved],
[Sq. Footage Booth Inventory]), blank() )

I do understand that based on this formula there will be a blank value in the Total. How can I get the total line to be 14200 + 7080 + 349390 ? This is [Sq. Footage Booth Inventory] for both “Available” and “On Hold” + [Sq. Footage Booth Inventory Reserved] for the reserved line.


Please send over a sample PBIX file so I can work this out. You have the right idea, but the SWITCH statement will be much easier to use than what you currently have.



Here is the .pbix file - I was able to do it but maybe there is a better way! T.I.A.

image MYS Uploaded.pbix (209.4 KB)

I will have a look. That is what is so great about Power BI is there are multiple way to come up with the same result.



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Here is solution I came up with using SWITCH, Your measure and mine will both give you the end result you want. Using SWITCH over IF will definitely give you a better structured measure.




Thank you so much Enterprise DNA Team! Keep it up the content on your site is amazing and SUPER informative.

Best Matt

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