Difference in the Matrix Visual B/w and Among the Years

I’d like to have the difference between and amongst the years


Hi @mohammedkhan11,
Can you explain in détail what you want to see in the visual. And if you can upload a pbix demo file. that would be great !

The Picture I have attached is the Matrix Visual
In the Columns I have added the Fiscal years, The Fiscal Year is Added through Slicer
Instead of the SubTotal, I’d like to know the Differences of the amount in the end
Let me know if you need any further clarification.

I have a Table in which it has Stattion Type, total Rev (meaasure) and Year

Matrix Looks this:

Station Type 2015 2016 2017 2018
ABC 10 8 20 15
XYZ 12 6 15 10

And Need Something better or like this

Station Type 2015 2016 Difference 2017 2018 Difference
ABC 10 8 2 20 15 5
XYZ 12 6 6 15 10 5

Hope this would help in understanding

Hi @mohammedkhan11. To help the forum members visualize your issue and perform their analyses, please attach your work-in-progress PBIX. If you’d like to sanitize your data, @BrianJ has a great video on YouTube.

Whether real, sanitized, or sample data, please provide as well a marked-up screenshot or (ideally) an Excel mockup of the exact outcome you’re looking for.

Hi @Greg I have attached a file and have few other issues

Can I add another issue to this or do i have to wait till this get resolved and then move on to another
I want to add the from the Value Column but only from the selected line order from

Such as
Schedule A has all the Lines Items so only selected Line Order should be selected
such as 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13.1,14.1,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21

Schedule E has all the line items so only select line order should be selected such as

I want total of the station type for each year and i can also get the difference for
Sample of the Matrix Visual:

Station Type 2015 2016 2017 2018
ABC 10 8 20 15
XYZ 12 6 15 10

And Need Something better or like this in the Matrix Visual

Station Type 2015 2016 2017 2018 Difference
ABC 10 8 2 20 15
XYZ 12 6 6 15 10

Sample File.pbix (11.2 MB)

@mohammedkhan11 I am not sure but maybe these are close to what you are looking for. In both I did change the matrix to use the Date(2)[FY]

  1. Difference per year

    Revenue = SUM('Rev Table'[value])

     Revenue Last YEAR =
     VAR ly =
         SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Date( 2 )'[Year] ) - 1
     VAR rev = [Revenue]
     VAR lyrev =
         CALCULATE ( [Revenue], REMOVEFILTERS ( 'Date( 2 )' ), 'Date( 2 )'[Year] = ly )
         IF ( OR ( ISBLANK ( rev ), ISBLANK ( lyrev ) ), BLANK (), lyrev )

    Difference =
    VAR ly =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( ‘Date (2)’[Year] ) - 1
    VAR rev = [Revenue]
    VAR lyrev =
    CALCULATE ( [Revenue], REMOVEFILTERS ( ‘Date (2)’ ), ‘Date (2)’[Year] = ly )
    IF ( OR ( ISBLANK ( rev ), ISBLANK ( lyrev ) ), BLANK (), rev - lyrev )

  2. All year difference (finding min/max of all years and calculating the difference)

    All Year Difference =
    VAR revmin =
    MINX ( VALUES ( ‘Date (2)’[FY] ), [Revenue] )
    VAR revmax =
    MAXX ( VALUES ( ‘Date (2)’[FY] ), [Revenue] )
    VAR diff = revmax - revmin
    SWITCH ( TRUE (), ISINSCOPE ( ‘Date (2)’[FY] ), [Revenue], diff )

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Thank you @datazoe for providing the Solution, this is exactly I was looking for, I have marked this as a solution, Thank you for your help :slight_smile: