Default date between slicer to yesterday

Back on 4/8/2022, I set the date between to both 4/7/2022 on the beginning side and 4/7/2022 on the max side. Meaning both dates showed 4/7/2022 in them. I have a date filter on this slicer set to “is in the last 1 days”. I published the report. Now, two days later, today, the data is correct, it is showing the correct sales revenue for yesterday only, 4/9/2022. However, the from part of the slicer, the left box, is stuck on the 4/7/2022 date. The right box is showing the correct date, yesterday, 4/9/2022. The issue is we send out subscription of this report daily, so the pdf’s we sent out today shows of course the correct sales totals, but the date slicer confuses the people looking at the report. One would think when they open the PDF, or online report, that they are actually seeing sales totals for 4/7/2022 through 4/9/2022. How do I get the default “from date”, left box, to keep changing daily like the right box does? Today’s example below. Ignore the (Blank) totals for Previous as this has no factor in the date issue I’m asking about.

if you don’t intend to let the user filter to a particular date - you could change the visual on the report to a Card type instead of a Filter type.

Yes, the customer wants to be able to clear the “is in the last 1 days” and choose other days in the report. So, I need to try and keep the current “in between” date slicer.

yes, a common request - my solution is generally to move the date filter to the filter pane, and allow the user to change between the Advanced filter type:

and the Relative filter type:

and yes, there is an ‘include today’ toggle on the relative date filter type

then I still use a card visual with a measure to handle the date range of the report:
with the measure being:

Date Range = MIN(‘CALENDAR’[Date]) & " - " & MAX(‘CALENDAR’[Date])

however, if that won’t work for your users, you may want to take a look at the videos shared in this similar forum solution:

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