This is going to be a bit of a unique workout so we’ll see how it goes. And this one is around helping a Project Manager get a visual overview of how good (or not) tasks are being completed on time. This one is also being marked as “4 stars” as it may require a number of DAX measures depending on how you approach this.
Here is the data summary: you are asked to do an analysis of tasks for a project that was supposed to last three months (Jan - Mar 2023). The dataset provided includes the task name, start date, due date, and the actual completion date. Blank completion dates means the task is still open.
Data file is here:
Workout 019 data.xlsx (11.4 KB)
There are two objectives to this:
Objective #1: Build out several KPI cards that show:
- Total number of tasks;
- Number of tasks completed on time (either on or before the due date)
- Number of tasks completed after their due date
- Number of tasks still open (no due date yet)
This should be pretty straight forward.
Objective #2: The second objective is that the PM wants a visual representation over time as to how well tasks are being completed on time. They ask for an area chart that is “stacked” and shows the number of tasks completed past their due date, those completed on time, and then those that are still open. So looking at the chart provided, you can see the bottom area shaded slightly red represent tasks completed past their due date; the big middle green area are tasks completed on time and then the top blue area represents tasks that are still open.
And - this visual should represent a running sum of tasks. So the March area reflects all tasks that should have been completed by March (so inclusive of tasks due in January, February and March). To explain further - by the end of March, 64 tasks should have been completed. Of those, 37 were completed on time, 17 were completed past their due date, and 10 are still open. And the chart shows an overall progression.
So overall - it appears in this project most tasks are being completed on time yet a few remain open.
Bonus Objective #3: Create a tooltip that will display the information for any of the months. You will see that I removed the Y axis, but if anyone wants to see specific numbers, the tooltip will provide this. Now, in my tooltip I am only providing the running sum numbers hovering over March - but this could also be expanded to include that specific month’s information also.
Load the supplied data file, create your solution, and reply to this post. Upload a screenshot of your solution (or the PBI file) along with any DAX items. Please blur any solution or place it in a hidden section.