DAX Incorrect Total.xlsx (11.5 KB)
Hi all
Trying to get the correct total in a Matrix Visual.
I have uploaded an excel file. Simplifying the problem.
Could someone help me, please?
DAX Incorrect Total.xlsx (11.5 KB)
Hi all
Trying to get the correct total in a Matrix Visual.
I have uploaded an excel file. Simplifying the problem.
Could someone help me, please?
Can you pls post your pbix file. I think the solution is fairly straight forward. Check if the total is filtered and then use the appropriate measure, either countrows or distinctcount.
Hi thank you for responding so promptly.
I will send you the file in the next one hour.
Hi There,
I solved the problem
Correct DAX = SUMX(
Thank you
Continuing the discussion from DAX : Incorrect Total:
Hi @rm.goha[quote=“rm.gohain, post:1, topic:7160, full:true”]
DAX Incorrect Total.xlsx (11.5 KB)
Hi all
Trying to get the correct total in a Matrix Visual.
I have uploaded an excel file. Simplifying the problem.
Could someone help me, please?
This text will be hiddenWe can resolve it using Summarize.Please find the attached Pbix.
Distinct particpants.pbix (36.1 KB)
Count1 = CALCULATE(SUMX(SUMMARIZE(‘Table’,‘Table’[Purpose ],“A”,DISTINCTCOUNT(‘Table’[Participant ID])),MAX([A])))
Sandy 2020-05-17T05:00:00Z
i checked your pbix file…
Total Instances of Support = COUNTROWS(Table1)
for total participants you can also use:
Total Participant = COUNTROWS(VALUES(Table1[Participant ID]))
good job and all the best.
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