Creating slicer

Dear Experts,

I wish to create a slicer taking the values from multiple columns. There is a rating column for a combination of a particular row and another column. Like that, there are multiple rating columns for different combinations. The rating will always be either 0 or 1 or 5 or 10. Attached the working file and excel file. One other thing - there are four different tables with such calculations (one for financial performance, one of working capital etc.).

While I can create a slicer for rows, I do not know if it is possible to create another combined slicer with values 0, 1, 5, and 10 that will contain all the rating columns. My goal is to create a view where I can show either in a table or a multi-row card all those combinations for a particular row where the rating is 10. The expected output is shown in the third worksheet of the excel.

Since the real data set has more than 100 columns with varying information across 4 tables, the ratings are for roughly 20 combinations. Therefore, I have not considered unpivot in the transformation step.

I am not sure if it is a reasonable request. But, I am looking forward to some expert advice.
RiskAssessment_Test.xlsx (14.4 KB)
RiskAssessment_Test.pbix (36.9 KB)


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