Creating & Emailing PDFs of filtered reports


Just wondered if it is possible to automatically create & Email PDFs of filtered reports.

I’ve created a report that shows branch results when that branch is selected.

There are 43 branches and I have to email pdfs to each branch at the end of each month.

Has anyone managed to automate such a process?


Hi @KieftyKids

I didn’t have any experience to automate this process, but the alternate way I can think of is creating doughnut charts for different branches on different pages on Power BI desktop, then use the “Export” option in the “File” tab and create a pdf file including all the pages. By doing so, you will have a pdf file with doughnut charts for different branches in different pages.

Then, since you need to have different pdf files for each branch, you can split the resulted pdf, into different pdf files using the technique I found on bellow YouTube video. Using this technique you will have 43 one-page pdf files.

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Thanks. Certainly a lot quicker than the way I was doing it - creating a pdf of one branch at a time!

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Happy that it helped you :blush:

Funny that you should ask that now. @sam.mckay and the expert team have been meeting regularly to try to work through key issues/processes (i.e., flows) in Power Automate. Your requirement is almost identical to ours, and these are some of the priorty flows we’ve been working on together.

We haven’t cracked this one yet, but I’m confident we will, and will share the info with you as soon as we do…

  • Brian
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Hi Brian

I created a different tab for each branch on desktop as suggested by sedhosen and posted it in service. A workmate thinks he can link each branch’s report to an email and bulk send the reports. He says they convert to pdfs before they’re sent.

I haven’t seen it working yet but I know the workmate has been studying Power Automate.