I have the following rule to calculate the measure for the wage per day :
[Total Wage By for Weekday]=([Hours]-8) * [Hourly Wage] * 1.5
The problem is [Hours] column is in a table called [Time] and [Employee] and [Hourly Wage] columns are in another table called [Employees].
When I try to create the measure in the table [Time], the columns [Hours] in [Time] are not recognized.
Hi there,
The first reason comes up to my mind is that there is a relationship issue between Time and Employee Tables.
You should know that Related Function works in “One-to-Many” relationship on many side of relationship. If you want to reference a column from a table that is in a one-to-many relationship with the current table, you need to use the RELATED function
If you send me file, I hope I can help you more.
Good luck!
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