Could somebody help me in writing the correct DAX code so that the Calculated Colum “Status” is populated with the values that come from the 2 columns AlliedForces and Germans in MilitaryGroups which serves as a LookUpTable. See also enclosed snap shot with all the details!
The end result shoud be 1 Calculated Column called status in the FactTable: BattleGroundActivity.
The lookup values have to come from 2 columns in the Table MilitaryGroups into 1 columns named Status in the FactTable: BattleGroundActivity
I made a start with the following DAX code. This is only a small part of the total DAX code, but already in this stadium it returns a False:
Status = AND(BattleGroundActivity[BattleKey]=SELECTEDVALUE(MilitaryGroups[BattleKey]); BattleGroundActivity[MililtaryGroup]=“AlliedForces”
Rather than via DAX/calculated columns, I think this task is handled far more easily via Power Query. Just start with your Lookup table, and reference that in Power Query to make a copy.