Count unbroken sick days include weekends

Hi All, greetings from Denmark.

I have an issue regarding counting sick days including weekend’s /holidays

I need to find all employees that have the latest countinius sickdays over 30/45/70 days including weekends / holidays, counting from (today) and back.

It has to be an unbroken chain “calculation”

Employee 111295

eks. Sick from.
01-feb-2021 to 22-mar-2021 =50 days inc weekends

If the person returns within the 50 days for 1 day, the calulation have to reset, and start counting from 1 again.

I have “day of week” and “week” and “weekends” in my date table

DNA-Count unbroken sick days include weekends.pbix (16.7 KB)

thx for reply, still unsure how to read you example, cant it be done with messures ?

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What is not clear in the answer I gave you?
Probably the solution can be obtained using DAX functions, but I don’t know the DAX language.

Maybe adding a calculated column could work for you. You can use the values as a filter

VAR _Days = INT( Tabella[end] ) - INT( Tabella[start] ) + 1 

    _Days > 70,
    "+70", _Days > 45,
    "+45", _Days > 30,
    "+30", "Less"

The issue is that I dont a start and end date
I have alot of single absence days pr. employee

@Jens_H, the solution for your question is provided by @sprmnt21! For this kind of problems it is a best practice to use Power Query. It simplifies your model and your DAX inside the report.