Count number of Projects over budget

Hi Everyone, I’ve table that looks like this:

Period | Project | Actual | Budget
1/1/2018 | ABC | 200k | 0
1/1/2018 | ABC| 0 | 300k
2/1/2018|ABC | 150k| 0
1/1/2018|EFG | 150k| 0


I have measures created for

Tot_Actuals = sum(Actuals), Tot_Budget = sum (Budget) and Var = Tot_Actuals-Tot-Budget

I want to create a measure to count the number of projects where Var >0 for all periods to date, how do I do that?

Couldn’t you do something like this.

Sorry for the formatting but I don’t have any data like this

FILTER( SUMMARIZE( VALUES( Projects Column),  "Variance", [Var]),
Variance > 0 )

I think this should do it, let me know