Count monthly reports not submitted

I have the following data which captures monthly report submissions

I want to be able to calculate by month how many submissions should have been done up to today taking into consideration the start and end of the subcontractor. So for example, for project 2585 & subcontractor 2513 it should show 1 submission due for each month from May-20 till Mar-21. For subcontractor 2306 it should show 1 submission due from May-20 till Dec-20. I can calculate the number of submissions but I don’t know how to associate it to show per month. Can anyone help? My date table is at daily level

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Hi @elaine-connelly,

Welcome to the Forum.

If you have already have a measure, your model set up correctly and that includes a proper Date table basically all you have to do is add a date attribute to your visual something like a “Month & Year” field for example.

If you need more assistance please provide a sample PBIX and elaborate on how you need that visualized.

Here’s a link to the Extended Date table M code.

I hope this is helpful.

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Hi Melissa
Thanks for your reply. I have a Month & year field on my date table but I am struggling to generate a row per month that the report has not been submitted. So for example on the first line I have used DATEDIFF to calculate that 10 months from May-20 to Mar-21 have not been submitted but this sits as one row and not one row per month. Unfortunately I can’t upload the .pbix as it is sensitive data


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Hi @elaine-connelly,

:thinking: not to worry here’s a video on masking your data.

Providing a mockup really goes a long way.

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Hi Melissa - thanks for the video. I have masked the data and uploaded. You can see the chart I am trying to achieve but the data is not correctly split across the months as it all shows against the first month that is overdue

Scoring Dashboard for Upload.pbix (390.5 KB)

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Hi @elaine-connelly,

See if this works for you.

First I made a change to your Model. This is now an inactive relationship which means you have to activate it with USERELATIONSHIP inside CALCULATE for each measure that requires it.


Next I marked your date table as such

Created a measure with this result

There seems to be a difference in the scenario described above and the data in this file.

Here’s your sample file. Scoring Dashboard for Upload.pbix (372.8 KB)
I hope this is helpful.

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Thanks Melissa, that seems to be what I need. I have tried it with a few different scenarios. Thank you for all your help

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