Conditional formatting in matrix comparing value with last column with data

@The_Bishop ,

Good news, bad news. The good news is that I think the measures all work exactly per your requirements now. This screenshot shows the zeros are now being handled properly:

The bad news is that I don’t understand why the previous measure didn’t work. Here’s the change I made:


Previously, this filter condition was expressed as [OverallAttend] <> BLANK()

To my mind, those statements should be exactly equivalent, but apparently they are not. The NOT(ISBLANK()) construct seems to treat blanks and zeroes as distinctly different results, while the <> BLANK() construct seems to treat blanks and zeroes as the same. Need to do more research on this, and probably make a video about what I find out.

But that’s my problem to figure out - the attached solution file should hopefully fully address your needs. Thanks for your patience - busy week, and a lot to unpack here. Fun problem, though.

P.S. figured out the BLANK vs. ISBLANK issue. See post below for details:

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