Compare to periods Without Time Intelligence Function

Hi every One. I remember that DNA Platform Published a video That let us to Do comparing Two periods of time without any time intelligence function. I remember that They had a date table with some extra columns with zero one values. for example a column for current year with 1 for for 2021 and a column for pre Year with many zero and some 1 for 2020 and etc

for example
Year Current Year LastYear
2017 0 0
2018 0 0
2019 0 0
2020 0 1
2021 1 0

But I can not find this video. Am I right? We have any video whit this content? we can use this solution for this type of calculation and comparing two periods?

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Hi @HosseinVossoughi,

Think you might be referring to offsets. If so, this might be the content you where looking for.
i hope this is helpful.

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that’s right. thanks alot