Cluster Column Chart to Stacked Column Chart

Hello EDNA Forum Good Day!

Video and .pbix attached explaining what I’m trying to accomplish below:

Demo .pbix Video

PBIXDD Stacked Column Chart EDNAF.pbix (1.5 MB)

Please advise of any additional questions


Hello @ambidextrousmentally,

Thank You for posting your query onto the Forum.

I’ve created 3 small measures based on the scenario suggested into the video. Below are the measures alongwith the screenshots of the final results provided for the reference -

Volume (CY) - Harsh = 
CALCULATE( SUM( PBIXDD2[usage quantity] ) , 
    'Calendar'[Year] = YEAR( TODAY() ) )

Volume (PY) - Harsh = 
CALCULATE( SUM( PBIXDD2[usage quantity] ) , 
    'Calendar'[Year] = YEAR( TODAY() ) - 1 )

Volume YoY % - Harsh = 
[Volume (CY) - Harsh]/[Volume (PY) - Harsh] -1

I’m also attaching the working of the PBIX file for the reference purposes.

Hoping you find this useful and meets your requirements that you’ve been looking for. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks and Warm Regards,

PBIXDD Stacked Column Chart EDNAF - Harsh.pbix (1.5 MB)

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Hello Harsh

This is exactly what I’m looking for.

Much appreciate your help and the quick turnaround!


Hello @ambidextrousmentally,

You’re Welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad that I was able to assist you.

Thanks and Warm Regards,