Circular Dependency error while trying to calculate funding based on Closing Balance+Movement


Here in my file I have Opening Balance for current month = TB AMount Total

I know the Forecasted Payments and Forecasted Collection.

And I calculate the closing Balance using the formula

Closing Balance =


[CM Movement],

FILTER ( ALLSELECTED( ( ‘Date’ )), ‘Date’[Date] <= MAX ( ‘Date’[Date] ) )


CM Movement = [TB Amount Total]+[ToCollect]-[Forecasted payments v2]

Now if my Closing Balance for a month is negative , i need to add an equal positive amount to it called Funding(A) , to make it the Closing Balance 0( Updated Closing Balance (B) ),

If Closing Balance is positive no need to add funding.

And then, my next month opening balance should be this Updated Closing Balance(B) .

Also in the next month , the funding should be calculated based on Updated Closing Balance(B) +CM Movement for that month

and so on…

I am getting a circular dependency error while trying to implement this Funding(A), Updated Closing Balance(B),Opening Balance

Basically the issue I am facing is When calculating Funding , it depends on the previous month Closing Balance Updated, which inturn depends on Funding for Previous month. Hence giving circular depedency error

Can anyone help?

PFA link to the file:

In the below case ,for ex:


For Sep 2020, 0 funding is correct.

But for Oct 2020, funding should be 0 (8.3-1.2=7.1 which is positive so no funding), closing balance should be 7.1

For Nov 2020, Opening balance should be 7.1
7.1-1.2 =5.9 so no funding in Nov also


if i get you problem correctly then you only need to check if fund at the time of closing is negative or not then return

Funding = 
 Var fund =IF (
    HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Year] ),
    IF (
        [CM Movement] < 0,
        [CM Movement] * -1
        CALCULATE (
                    SUMX (
                              FILTER ( VALUES ( 'Date'[Year] ), [CM Movement] < 0 ),
                               [CM Movement] 
if (fund<0,fund)

Funding for Current Month(Sep 2020) can be calculated using Opening Balance+ Current Month Movement. (X) (The opening balance for Current Month, Sep 2020 is known)
Check if X is negative , then add an equivalent amount (say X is -20M, then funding is 20M).
So now the Closing Balance for Sep 2020 ,is 0

So for Oct 2020, the Opening Balance is 0. Suppose Net Movement for Oct 2020 is 35M
So 0+35M is positive
So Funding for October 2020, is 0
Closing Balance for Oct 2020 is 35M

Opening Balance for Nov 2020 is 35M
Suppose Net Movement for Nov 2020 is -70M
So 35-70M= -35M
So the Funding is 35M
Closing Balance for Nov 2020 is 0M

With the below formula,
Funding =
Var fund =IF (
HASONEVALUE ( ‘Date’[Year] ),
IF (
[CM Movement] < 0,
[CM Movement] * -1
FILTER ( VALUES ( ‘Date’[Year] ), [CM Movement] < 0 ),
[CM Movement]

if (fund<0,fund)

It is not considering Previous Month Opening Balance to determine Funding.
It is Just considering Selected Month Movement.
That should not be the case . It should be Previous Month Closing Balance+ Movement for that month that has to be check if negative or positive, to determine if funding is required or not.

Note, In the above example, for Nov 2020, the Funding is 35M , and not 70M

Hi ,
Is this what you want

if some thing i missed plz correct me on that so i try to solve it.

Just need to change the opening balance measure and the Funding measure with above change which i shared with you earlier

Opening Balance = 
   VAR earlier_month= CALCULATE(max('Date'[Date]),DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,MONTH)   )
                CALCULATE (
                                         [Closing Balance Updated],
                                         FILTER ( ALLSELECTED( ( 'Date' )), 'Date'[Date] <=  earlier_month  

How should the funding logic be?Also formula for Closing Balance Updated?Could you please share the pbix as well? @Anurag

Because for some pattern of cashflows , the formula might seem to work, but not for all pattern, if you could share the pbix , i can have a thorough look.

If this is the funding formula,

Funding =
Var fund =IF (
HASONEVALUE ( ‘Date’[Year] ),
IF (
[CM Movement] < 0,
[CM Movement] * -1
FILTER ( VALUES ( ‘Date’[Year] ), [CM Movement] < 0 ),
[CM Movement]

if (fund<0,fund)

It will work only for the pattern given in the pbix file.

If we consider the below pattern of example, the funding Logic will be incorrect:

Example 2
Funding for Current Month(Sep 2020) can be calculated using Opening Balance+ Current Month Movement . (X) (The opening balance for Current Month, Sep 2020 is known)
Check if X is negative , then add an equivalent amount (say X is -20M, then funding is 20M).
So now the Closing Balance for Sep 2020 ,is 0

So for Oct 2020, the Opening Balance is 0. Suppose Net Movement for Oct 2020 is 35M
So 0+35M is positive
So Funding for October 2020, is 0
Closing Balance for Oct 2020 is 35M

Opening Balance for Nov 2020 is 35M
Suppose Net Movement for Nov 2020 is -70M
So 35-70M= -35M
So the Funding is 35M
Closing Balance for Nov 2020 is 0M

The logic which you have mentioned,
Funding =
Var fund =IF (
HASONEVALUE ( ‘Date’[Year] ),
IF (
[CM Movement] < 0,
[CM Movement] * -1
FILTER ( VALUES ( ‘Date’[Year] ), [CM Movement] < 0 ),
[CM Movement]
is working in pbix because there is no funding in the pbix example, but in the above example 2 which i have mentioned it will fail.

Note, In the above example 2, for Nov 2020, the Funding is 35M , and not 70M
Using the mentioned formula, the funding will be wrongly calculated as 70M, because it is not considering the opening balance of that month for funding determination.

Hope I am making sense now!


I attached the pbix
pls check it
check 3.pbix (241.4 KB)

check 3 (3).pbix (241.8 KB)
(I just altered the data to check) ,for Sep 2020, the Closing Balance is negative (04+0-1.2)=-0.7M
But Funding is 0 which should not be the case.
Funding should be 0.7M
Closing Balance Updated should be 0 for Sep 2020

Got to know that it is recursion type of logic, no idea how to implement

can you share the desired output

becuze i think the below one is lacking some thing

  1. or this is the correct one

  2. or this one is correct

Two sample outputs expected.

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Hi ,
Have a look at below screen shot and let me know is it what you want.

Could you please share me the pbix? So I can test different conditions?

check 3 (3).pbix (243.0 KB)

We need to determine the funding based on opening balance also.
In the highlighted case, there is an opening balance of 385.9M.
Movement for the same month(May ) is -4.4M
Funding has to be determined on 385.9M-4.4M, which is positive, so no funding required in May 2021

Your new input causes circular condition now [closing balance updated] depend on [funding] and now funding depend on [opening Balance] and [opening Balance ] depend on [closing balance updated] .
Need to figure out how to avoid that circular loop.

Yea , that is the issue ! :slight_smile:

@Anurag Any luck with this?

This time i also need help not able to think how remove that circular dependency do you any idea let me know so we can work on that .