Change Day in The Week Number to 1 for Sunday through to Saturday = 7


Is it possible to have Sunday set as Day Number 1 (Use 1 to 7 instead of 0 to 6)

My working week is Sunday through to Saturday for the whole company (As a complete week)

What would I need to change in the M Code or would I need to manipulate this in a calculated column?

Power BI Date Table code.txt (2.8 KB)


Thanks Darren

Hi @DarrenG. See @Melissa 's Extended Date Table.

Hi @DarrenG,

is this still relevant or will you built on the 13 period date table?

Company Financial Period, DAX or M Code? - #9 by Melissa

Hi All,

Thanks for your help.

Melissa’s New code has done the trick!

[Company Financial Period, DAX or M Code?]
(Company Financial Period, DAX or M Code? - #9 by Melissa)

Thank You

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