Cannot Get a Measure to Sum As Expected

Hello @JDiOrio,

Thank You for posting your query onto the Forum.

Firstly, it’s always helpful when working or mock-up PBIX file is provided for the reference so that members of the forum can assist you in a better and efficient manner. Without which it’s just a guess work for the members and consumes their time.

Now, coming back to the solution part. You can use the measure as provided below for the reference -

CY Qty Extended YoY Price Differential =
     Order_History , 
     Order_History[customer_description] , 
     calendardatetable[Year] , 
     "@Totals" , 
     [CY Qty Extended YoY Price Differential] ) , 

I’m also providing a link below which one of our expert @Greg had created onto the forum which specifically addresses this type of issues pertaining to the fixation of the totals.

Hoping you find this useful and helps you in solving the problem that you’re facing. :slightly_smiling_face:


1). In the above formula, it’s presumed that “customer_description” field is from the Sales table i.e. “Order_History” table and “Year” is from the Date table i.e. calendardatetable.

2). Please adjust the naming conventions accordingly in your file. I’ve used the naming conventions based on the information provided into the post.

3). To view the entire post pertaining to “Fix Incorrect Totals”, please click onto the link and not onto the “expand/collapse” button.

3). If this doesn’t solve the requirement than please post a working or mock-up PBIX file so that members can assist you further.