Calculation groups error caused by date table


Starting to use tabular editor and I get an error message saying some text values were found within my date table table.
The code I am using is in DAX and seems clean to me I, could anyone help me to understand where the issue is coming from ?

Thanks for the help,

CedricCalc Groups.pbix (37.6 KB)


@AntrikshSharma, thank you.
Are you pinpointing the fact that I should use a matrix instead of a table ?
If so, I did use a matrix and am still getting an error message ‘’ syntax error detected; unvalid tokken, line 1, offset 38, date table’’ (?).
I reattached my pbix file.

Thank you,

CedricCalc Groups.pbix (38.4 KB)


The calculation item you have created is missing an inverted comma in the name of the date table:

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Hello @Cedric,
Your problem is in the calculated group you have created.
This is the right calculation :

Calc Groups.pbix (38.0 KB)

Best practice tip : Always create the measure in power BI (DAX), then copy and paste it to Tabular editor.
good luck !

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Sorry for bothering you guys with such a simple error like that.

But thank you very much for the help !


I completely agree with you in terms of that currently being a best practice, due to Tabular Editor’s lack of IntelliSense. However, when TE3 becomes publicly available later this month, I think the best practice for this is going to totally flip, since TE3 actually includes a BETTER version of IntelliSense than Power BI. Check this out – it includes smart tooltips, information drawn from the DAX Guide about function type and row/filter context, and best of all has a built-in semantic processor that gives you substantive error messages about how to fix your incorrect DAX measures. I’ve been working with the beta version for a few months, and now do almost 100% of my DAX in TE – after data modeling, rarely even go into Power BI until it’s time to start building visualizations. This is a total game changer…

– Brian

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@Cedric, that happens sometimes, you are welcome !

I looked for TE3 but i didn’t find. Can you please share with us links of the program. Thanks in advance.


It’s not currently available. The beta program was by application only, and I was fortunate enough to apply on the first day and get chosen. The expectation was that it would be available publicly at the beginning of April, but it seems like there’s been a slight delay. The best source of information I found is the author’s (Daniel Otykier) Twitter feed. Here is the most recent message he posted about availability:

I’m currently working on a video “quick tour” of the new features and capabilities that I’ll post right at the time the public version drops.

– Brian

That’s great news, can’t wait to test it ! thanks again for the info