Hi Team,
I tried calculating total for displayed values only.
I have modified column for no. of bed to achieve for budgeted occupancy.
The highlighted result in my visual should be 21 instead of 2.
can you please let me know how to fix them.
Modified No. of Bed to Bud Occ% =
IF (
[No. of Bed to Bud Occ%] > 1,
[No. of Bed to Bud Occ%] > 1
[No. of Bed to Bud Occ%]
Many thanks, Harsh and Piryani. I am much appreciated.
I have one more isssue as follows:
the one I do not have set the budget for (because that cost center is now closed ) has NaN in the result. that is ok. But how can I still get total ignoring NaN. thank you.