Please assist. I would like to calculate …
Number of team members who have not used a PTO in the last 30, 60, 90 days (include % per 30-day period) - Number of team members who used more than 3 PTO in the last 90 days (include %) - How many PTOs were cancelled? How many were declined? How many were not actioned on?(include %)
HI @Yrstruly , while waiting for other members to jump in, I suggest using the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member. Thanks!
Based on your description. Have tried to come up with the Solution. Please find in attached PBIX. Refer below measures.
NoPTOLast30Days - To calculate Team members who have not availed PTO in last 30 days. It’s calculating Team members who have available PTO and is approved. Then, subtracting from the Total.
Morethan3PTO - To count Team members availing more than 3 PTO in last 90 days.
Approved - To give count of approved PTOs. Other can be made in similar fashion
DistinctApproved - Same as approved with distinct count.
Hello @Yrstruly it’s been a while since we got a response from you. In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.