Calculating Last 30-60 Days + % Per Day Period

Please assist. I would like to calculate …
Number of team members who have not used a PTO in the last 30, 60, 90 days (include % per 30-day period) - Number of team members who used more than 3 PTO in the last 90 days (include %) - How many PTOs were cancelled? How many were declined? How many were not actioned on?(include %)

Assume today’s date it August 1, 2021.

My calculation for days off. I subtract from date to date. Is it correct

HI @Yrstruly , while waiting for other members to jump in, I suggest using the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member. Thanks!

Hi @Yrstruly

Based on your description. Have tried to come up with the Solution. Please find in attached PBIX. Refer below measures.

  1. NoPTOLast30Days - To calculate Team members who have not availed PTO in last 30 days. It’s calculating Team members who have available PTO and is approved. Then, subtracting from the Total.

  2. Morethan3PTO - To count Team members availing more than 3 PTO in last 90 days.

  3. Approved - To give count of approved PTOs. Other can be made in similar fashion

  4. DistinctApproved - Same as approved with distinct count.

PTO_Report.pbix (61.7 KB)

Ankit J

Thank you so much for the very detailed answer @ankit :slight_smile:

Hello @Yrstruly, if the inquiry was answered kindly mark the response that you think best helped you. Thank you so much.

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