Calculated column lookup based on criteria and date range

Hello EDNA - Looking for help with Power BI where I can pull the rate for equipment only into my data table, where provided it falls with in a data range. if the end date is empty or in the future and can continue to be used for that equipment.

attached a simple version of my DM.

this is the rates table:

Thank you in advance,

TEquipRates.pbix (85.1 KB)

I was curious due to the image of the Data Table in the question and took a peek. To help members of the Community Forum understand the state, would you please add the following to your posting:

  • Expand on your description of the model, and add images and a description of your desired result so that someone who is unfamiliar with your line of business is able to make a fair assumption towards a working solution.

  • Please add the following missing source Excel files:

  • Would you please update the attached sample PBIX, by adding a dedicated Date Table as the default? Recommend using our Extended Date Table (Power Query M function),

  • Would you please set up the relationships to accommodate a working model? Currently, No relationships appear linking the two tables in the model (Data and EquipRates).

Found solution, maybe this can help someone else.
