Calculate based on category or year

Hi community.
Please I am new to power bi and I am trying to solve a problem, I hope you can help.

I am trying to achieve a column that calculate based on the year.
e.g., if year = 2018, then sum all military budget for 2018 and divide it by the sum of # of miliary trainings. This should give same column for the expect result column for each year. Image below show the table.

Thanks if you can help on the formula.


please try this measure:

avg budget for training = 

var _costsperyear = 

        SUMX('Table','Table'[Military training budget]),ALLEXCEPT('Table','Table'[Year]))

var _trainingsperyear = 

        SUMX('Table','Table'[# of military trainings]),ALLEXCEPT('Table','Table'[Year]))


  • Sabine
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Hi Sabine,
Thanks alot, worked like magic! I am grateful.

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