Best formula for multiple if conditions

Dear All,

I am struggling with a formula that takes into account different conditions. I have tried with if and switch and i cant get the right result. Is there something else in DAX that I can use?

With IF:
KPI 6B =
IF (
    pre_abcactivitystructure[KPI 6A] = "Y",
    IF (
        AND (
            pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountRegionId] <> 166210017,
            pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountRegionId] <> 166210018
        IF (
            AND (
                pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "BILA",
                pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_LegalForm] = "2 {Profit}"
            IF (
                pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "EU",
                IF (
                    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "ESA",
                    IF (
                        pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "US-GOV",
                        IF (
                            pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountName] = "VITO NV",
                            IF (
                                pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_AccountKey] = "abc",
                                IF ( pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_LegalForm_Code] = "44", "N", "Y" )

KPI 6B =
    TRUE (),
    pre_abcactivitystructure[KPI 6A] = "Y", "N",
    AND (
        pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountRegionId] <> 166210017,
        pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountRegionId] <> 166210018
    ), "N",
    AND (
        pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "BILA",
        pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_LegalForm] = "2 {Profit}"
    ), "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "EU", "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "ESA", "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_FundingSourceId] = "US-GOV", "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountName] = "VITO NV", "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_AccountKey] = "abc", "N",
    pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_Finance_LegalForm_Code] = "44", "N",

Thanks in advance!

Best regards!

These are your two options really.

Doesn’t seemed to me like the SWITCH is setup correctly though just by looking at it.

How about placing each individual part of this in variables, then simplify you SWITCH a bit.

You can place TRUE/FALSE logic into a variable,

For example this could be a variable

pre_abcactivitystructure[KPI 6A] = “Y”

and this

pre_abcactivitystructure[abc_AccountRegionId] <> 166210017

I’ve completed something similar here

Once you’ve done this, I would also test one by one each part of the formula to see what is not performing as it should.
