Basket Analysis

Hello everyone,

I am doing basket analysis. I have following tables (sales, product and filter product (which is same as product table). Sales table has active relationship with Product and inactive relationship with Filter Product using Product Group field.

I can count my basket using following expression - Basket = DISTINCTCOUNT(‘Sales’[TransactionID]). However when calcuating “Basket with Both Products” I want to filter out transactions which has only 1 transaction. Please help how can i achieve that ?

Don’t know why you need two tables with the same information, but this should be pretty easy for you to figure out if you already have a measure to get your “Basket”. Should be able to use a Measure with CALCULATE and just FILTER out “Basket” that =1. Also in the future if you have this data in a PBIX file, please share what you can to get a faster response to your question.
