Banding example when using DAX in Power BI


I am trying to count a dimesnion value with some banding For e.g. I want to see how many customers (dimension) fall in a specfic banding. I have made my bands for e.g. 0-10,11-20, 21-50, 51-100,101-1000 and >=1001 using the following dax which works fine:

Banding =

TRUE ();
[Accept + Decline] >= 0
&& [Accept + Decline] >= 10; "0 to 10";
[Accept + Decline] >= 11
&& [Accept + Decline] >= 20; "11 to 20";
[Accept + Decline] >= 21
&& [Accept + Decline] >= 50; "21 to 50";
[Accept + Decline] >= 51
&& [Accept + Decline] >= 100; "51 to 100";
[Accept + Decline] >= 101
&& [Accept + Decline] >= 1000; "101 to 1000";
[Accept + Decline] >= 1001; ">1001"

The issue is the dimension which i want to count to group it with the banding but it does not seem to be working. When i try to count the dimension, it aggregates the values to one count instead of grouping the value into several bands. It gives the last value of banding and one aggregated count of customers. Please can you advise?

Trust me on this one, this is not the way you want to be answering this. You want to be using dynamic grouping techniques with a supporting table.

This is really the only way to do it properly and keep it dynamic.

Check out the videos below to learn more.

See how you go with these.

I’m confident this is what you should be doing instead of the techniques you currently have.
