Average of a Measure in a Line Chart

Hi All, I have these Measure

Avg ADF 10K = AVERAGEX(VALUES('Date Table'[Date]),[2019/20 ADF])

I’m trying to average 2019/20 ADF.

I also want to use it in a chart, such that it is fixed line like this:

Which is why I created this measure:

National ADF Average = CALCULATE([Avg ADF 10K], ALL())

Breaking it down:


> 2019/20 ADF = DIVIDE([Total ADF], [Total Pop 10K] )


** Total ADF** = CALCULATE(

SUM('Dwelling Fires'[Total Dwelling Fires]),

FILTER('Dwelling Fires', 'Dwelling Fires'[Accidental or Deliberate] = "Accidental"))

Total Pop 10K = SUM(Population[Population 10000] )

Question is this:

What is the best way to calculate the Average of

“2019/20 ADF”

am I ok, using “

Avg ADF 10K

2ndly, what is the best way to fix it on a Line and column chart

PBIX file is attached showing the relationships. Thank youBenchmarking reports learn.pbix (1.0 MB)

Hello @Ikay,
I looked into your pbix file. and i thing your model is clean and simple. For the measure National ADF Average, it gives you the daily average ADF throughout all the whole time. i dont know if thats what you want to show. if it is. then your measure is correct.
Another issue i find in your report is the absense of date tilters. So, the report is not that dynamic. I did a small adjustment of your file. Hopefully that’s whe you are looking for.

Benchmarking reports learn.pbix (1.0 MB)

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@HASSAN_BI, Thank you so much this.

I just wanted some confirmation - And yes, I needed that dynamic element to it
