Analyze in Excel for External Users

I have shared Power BI reports to a handful of external users using Power BI Service, and although they have no issue accessing the reports on BI Service, they receive the following error when using the ‘Analyze in Excel’ function, then they are routed to the sign in screen. From the sign in screen, their current password and email address does not work.

I tried to recreate the issue by sharing to myself using a personal email address, but I do not have an issue using ‘Analyze in Excel’.

Have you experienced this before?

Personally I’ve never come across this so I’ve just done some searching as I’m sure you’re not the only one with this and it seems to be the case

Here’s some links. Hopefully these can assist

The other things that pops up is when you say external users. Are you meaning people without Power BI licenses, or external to your organisation? This could also be a problem, maybe it’s just not possible.

Just ready the error as in HTTP error…it does suggest some type of access issue, but honestly I’m not 100% on it, just reading between the lines.


Thanks for digging into this a bit! External users outside of my organization. I will see if I can find a firm answer and will reply back!
