Need some help on my Aging calculation. I following the tricks from Sam here on create a table for the grouping and then create measure from the matrix placement.
But I don;t know why it doesn’t put at the correct group as it is always falls into 1st group.
The step is like this :
In my transaction, based on field Transaction date I created this measure →
One reason I’m using ALLSELECTED in the end is actually I made the date filter to be adjustable, but this is another story, and not an issue.
Because originally I’m using Direct Query, I have to use TempTable inside my “placement” measure like below →
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It works. Thank you very much. And it is much simpler as well.
Mind to tell me what is the logic behind it, so I can understand. Also of course why my previous is not working, because if I follow over here is like so, and actually once used it but for other report and it used to works. Understand of course it maybe because data differs, but not as I remembered. Sorry, to trouble you.
Hi @Toni, did the response provided by @ MudassirAli help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark the thread as solved. Thanks!