I have stuck with one advance transformation using power query. I am attaching one excel file with problem and expected result which I would like to solve using power query in excel.
Please help me in this regards. Early response would be highly appreciated.
Thanks a ton @Heather . This is what I was expecting to get. I thought I would have to delete the post as mentioned by @Keith that this post doesnt belong here but then I thought that I had posted it under “Query Editor” then somebody should be able to help me. This format would be for my sales team to follow hence using Excel and wanted to use Power Query for automation. Huge thanks once again.
I think this question has exposed an area of ambiguity that we need to clarify. While personally I now use Excel as the equivalent of a pack mule to carry my data into Power BI, there are very smart people with a completely different opinion on this – Ken Puls prominent among them who actually advocate for doing all data prep AND data modeling in Excel, and only then moving to Power BI for DAX and Visualization.
I believe that this forum can appropriately accommodate both views, and that questions regarding Power Query, whether done in Power BI or Excel are fair game here. However, that’s just my personal view and I think we need to clarify that more broadly with the Expert and Enterprise DNA Teams, and make the outcomes of those discussions clear to the forum members.
I ran this by the Expert team, and there was strong sentiment that Power Query is Power Query, regardless of whether it’s in Excel or Power BI Desktop, and that it’s appropriate to address within the forum. For some users whose offices don’t support Power BI Desktop, Excel is the only way they gain access to these tools.
Thanks to all for raising the issue – it’s clearly one we needed to provide more specific direction on.
I would agree with this assessment, I don’t doubt there will be situations where it’s a Power Query for Excel problem but we/I could learn from the solution for use with Power BI.